Paula Saunders' “stunning” new novel,
Starting From Here
“Starting From Here is a stirring, stunning novel about the desire for a certain kind of life and the quest to find it. Paula Saunders has written an ode to coming-of-age, independence, and transformation that is also an evocative time capsule brimming with memory and feeling. What a wonderful book this is.”
– Meg Wolitzer, New York Times bestselling author
of The Female Persuasion
A Midwestern girl balances her dreams of becoming a dancer with the complications of growing up on her own, far from her working-class family, in this unforgettable, deeply affecting portrait of a young woman striving for greatness from the author of The Distance Home.
She could look in the mirror and see it all happening, everything she’d dreamed of, the potential everyone had seen in her blossoming right in front of her eyes, as if her spirit and flesh were merging, being born as one into light.
More than anything, René wants to be a dancer. Eve, her mother, supports René despite the overwhelming financial burden and increasing tension her training places on the family. But one thing is clear: René’s dreams are never going to come true in Rapid City, South Dakota, circa 1973.
Setting in motion a journey that will transform her from the inside out, René is sent to train alongside stick-thin, sculpted girls in Phoenix, then on to Denver and beyond, encountering along the way a dazzling sequence of eccentric and sometimes dangerous characters: creepy dads, mean girls, predatory radio announcers, kindly ex-opera singers, sham teachers, and avaricious cult leaders. Through it all, René pushes herself, doing everything she can to excel at her art while at the same time finding her way through the trials of adolescence.
But leaving home is not the same as escaping it. And try as she might, René can’t quite shake the aching she has for someone to love and accept her just the way she is, dancer or not, successful or not, perfect or imperfect.
Lyrical and incisive, Starting from Here is a story of facing the many challenges and terrors of girlhood, of reaching for something that exceeds your grasp, of the enduring contradictions of familial love, of right steps and wrong turns, and of somehow finding your way from wherever you are to wherever you need to go.